To those of you who are following Bryce Walsh's progress on his site, this is not news to you; but for those of you who have not heard of this epic endeavor to raise money for World Bicycle Relief here is a story for you...
On January 17, 2012 Bryce started the Tour d'Afrique, a 7,400 mile bike race from Cairo Egypt to Cape Town South Africa to raise money for World Bicycle Relief. He hopes to raise $5000 for the cause.
“We’re proud to see our sponsored athletes doing wild things and using cycling to create awareness of important causes,” said Hurley, the CEO of American Bicycle Group. “We’ll be cheering for Bryce as he racks up the miles; and we hope people will donate on his site to help him achieve his fundraising goals.”
Please check out Bryce's web-site and follow him on this awesome adventure. We are thinking about you Bryce!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Litespeed Cohutta Promotion from Chung Yung Cycles
2012-02-02 11:47:52 来源:广州镇洋自行车行 作者:阿志译 点击:985 次 我要评论(0)
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欢迎转载我们的原创作品,请注明出自:[|自行车网] 进入论坛 我要投
来 自田纳西州查特怒加市的消息——在2011年Interbike自行车展户外展示日上,Litespeed 2012款钛合金Cohutta 29er的处子秀赢来不少试骑者的赞美。在29er风潮空前盛行之际,这家业内著名的制造商设计并手工打造钛合金Cohutta,并率先使用Ti 29er-specific车管(特别为29er设计的管材)。
“是 的,我们是首家特别为29er制作专属车管的制造商,所以我们现在迫不及待将我们的硬尾车推荐给经销商们。”美国自行车集团(American Bicycle Group)CEO Peter Hurley说,“在跑道上Cohutta的表现很好,而且它将给山地车产业带来很大的改变。因为它的制作很独特,我们对它的速度之快并不感到吃惊。”
Litespeed 成立于1986年,致力于生产和制作优质公路车和自行车架。这家公司以钛合金产品著称,不过在碳纤领域也已经取得了很大的成功。Litespeed为美国 自行车集团(American Bicycle Group)属下所有,坐落于来自田纳西州查特怒加市。